Solider of The Sword

Red, white and blue, Solider of God standing, Not only before him, Obediency of his Commander, Order fulfilled in plan Uniformed of reserved, standing in the face of an battle, Not just any battle, An battle of the heart and soul, Alone not is mankind, God and his angels stand camp side, An child of God’s, Solider of the Sword, An compassion of love of Christ The Spirit tall with pride of Serving in God’s Grace, In God We Trust is the main objective, By the Love of God, We will survive.
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Your word is my lamp for my feet, a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

© By Author Feon Davis

Isaiah 40:29

The giveth power of the

faint: and to them that

have no might he

increaseth strength.

InThe Arms of God.Com