Fear Not Little Lamb

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32 I am but one out of 10 thousand, My plight is under his dearest eyes, I am of that flock that is wondering aimlessly, And I am lost Suddenly, He is there to give me light within my heart and soul, A light of glory to accompany me along my way, The glory of his light is big enough to shelter his flock, A covering to shield the weak, and deprived, I am of his flock, I am one that is lost no more. At times you are feeling lost, deprived or neglected of your feelings, despairing of your life, Your family without happiness; give it all to Jesus in his name. He will justify you with his Holy spirit. He brings forth the prayers into his kingdom. And blessings in his glory and sends out his miracles, and healing to his followers, his flock. You meant to be here as he has written in his plan... You're the mission he has planned. Ask Jesus, what do I need to do in your name, And show me, guide me father. Take me by spirit and lead me on. As I walk, you're clearing the path I am walking on. Thank you, Jesus for ... walking with me.
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Your word is my lamp for my feet, a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

© By Author Feon Davis

InThe Arms of God.Com