New Published & Interviews Part2

Fear Not Little Flock~ Listen to First 1st Pod cast encouragement audio book entitled Christian poem "Fear Not Little Flock" written by Feon Davis The SISTHAHS MINISTRY E-Newsletter ~ Entitled Poem: "Manifested My Soul "February Issue 2007, Featured " His Words Through My Spirit " @ under Black Authors Featured Poems within issues of Featured @ Mandianam Press First Review of "Forever Friends" Anthology PALM OF HIS HAND PUBISHED IN Divine Inspirations- Volume II ISSUE 9 on site {Magazine one of NY TIMES POPULAR MAGAZINES } My Brother Is Jesus,Talk To God, Cupth Runnth Over Published In Divine Inspirations My Featured Poem: “Your hands In My Hands” by Feon Davis at Award-winning Author of "Jesus Loves Everybody:Especially Me" Featured in Twitter Timbootu under Letter D : Author Feon Davis My interview by Crystal Holdipp My interviews & Poem: The Hand That Delieverd By Feon L. Davis @ Guest-Poet-Feon-L-Davis ~2017 My Interview page by The Gina McKnight Author, Equestrian, Poet and Freelancer  USA “ GRACE IS WITHIN ME”  scroll down To read. Also my book “Footsteps of Grace” shown and bio
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Your word is my lamp for my feet, a light for my path. Psalm 119:105
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